Create your first dApp in RSK using Truffle boxes

By Solange Gueiros

Elevator Pitch

This is a hands on to take you through the process of building your first dApp using a Truffle box which comes with everything you need to start using Truffle on RSK networks. It includes all network configurations for Mainnet and Testnet. Our dApp is a plant shop, including a frontend!


In this hands on session, we will take you step-by-step through the process of building your first dApp in RSK!

It includes smart contracts, tests, interaction in the Truffle console and a beautiful frontend to interact with it through Metamask.

RSK is an open source platform for Ethereum compatible smart contracts based on the Bitcoin network.

This project will use a Truffle box which comes with everything you need to start using Truffle on RSK networks, like network configurations for Mainnet, Testnet and gas price considerations, which are very important when the transaction fees are high!

We will get some tT-BTCs for free and deploy our project on RSK Testnet! First you are going to realize how easy it is to interact with the smart contract at Truffle console. And the grand finale will be the frontend, with plants photos and purchases with once a click!

Our goal is to join forces and give options to people who believe in the power of smart contracts, and also believe in the security of Bitcoin, through RSK.


We really like to talk to beginners and to teach all details, to be sure that all attendees are doing everything together. We choose a 1 hour talk, but if it is possible to got a 3 hours Hands-on workshop, we can deepen some concepts and have more time to interact with the attendees, including guide the persons to play in other person’s smart contract, even though it is an online event.

This is some tutorials that we already have ready:

We are going to prepare a tutorial like these for this session.