4 ways to use Drizzle

By Solange Gueiros

Elevator Pitch

Drizzle have different approaches, like react, react components or only drizzle. Learn how to use Drizzle, including listening events.

This is a hands on to take you through the process of building a dApp in all Drizzle approaches.


Drizzle is a collection of front-end libraries that make writing dapp user interfaces easier and more predictable.

In this hands on session, we will take you step-by-step through 4 different ways to use Drizzle!

The same smart contract will be in the drizzle core library and react only approach, after using react which provides a DrizzleProvider component and drizzleConnect helper. We also will take you to a project using react components, which is a library of useful components for common dapp functions, like ContractData, ContractForm and LoadingContainer. We are going to do a version listening events too. It is very useful to understand the differences between the approaches.


It can be done in 30 minutes with less details, more demonstrations and less hands on.

The event part is based in the great Amal Sudama’s tutorial Drizzle and contract events