Chocolatey: Software Management's sweetest recipe

By Stephen Valdinger

Elevator Pitch

Stop managing software like it’s 2001. Chocolatey allows you to manage binary installers, scripts, zips, and modules like they are all the same thing! However, keeping your packaging straight takes thought, and effort. This talk will give you some tips and tricks to making that easy!


Chocolatey is the package manager for windows. I’m sure you’ve heard of it (If not, you should!). Managing package versions can be daunting if you don’t have an effective process in place. Join this session to learn how to manage your packaging scripts with source control, and how you can leverage Azure pipelines to automatically deploy changes to your different staging environments. We’ll use git, we’ll use Powershell, and we’ll use some CI/CD to expose just how simple life could be when you mix a little chocolate with it. It’s pretty sweet!