Sue Johnston

Waterloo, Ontario


Sue Johnston’s professional interests have always been communication and teamwork. Her work helps people talk so people listen, listen so people talk and change the world one conversation at a time. After a career in journalism, she held senior management roles at two Canadian banks, where she managed communication for large scale change initiatives and technology implementations - including one of the early XP projects. That’s where she discovered that the most critical communication in an organization is the day-to-day interaction between its people.

Sue was already a professional coach and coach trainer when she learned about agility in software and business. She refocused her business to serve the agile community and has trained hundreds of people in communication and coaching techniques, in person and via distance learning. She’s the author of “Talk To Me: Workplace Conversations That Work” and the founder of It’s Understood Communication. She’s a frequent conference speaker, bringing tech ideas to communicators and communication ideas to technology professionals.

Sue has degrees and certifications and all that jazz. What really matters, though, are reactions from people she works with, such as, “Sue is the coach you want to learn from!” You can learn more about Sue and her work at