Futurespective | The Missing Scrum Event

By Sufi Mohamed

Elevator Pitch

Some scrum masters live the retrospective ground hog day – nothing ever gets done and people keep complaining. We’ve tried it all…except flipping the retrospective on its head. Let me introduce the future of the retrospective, I call it the Futurespective, the missing scrum event.


While scrum focuses on a central paradigm of inspect and adapt so does the futurespective except with a little twist, prospect and adapt. The futurespective pivots knowledge gained over sprints to determine which goals the team should iterate upon rather than which problems they ought to solve.

The futurespective builds upon successful goal attainment and iterates upon goals until the team’s mission is accomplished and the vision realised. Team members collaborate with one another in pursuit of the vision they have established. With each iteration goals are refined and commitments are made. Team members, as a whole, take ownership of those goals and hold themselves accountable.

The futurespective is based on a body of knowledge gained over the past 100 years in personal development, psychotherapy, the science of success, and organisational behaviour. The futurespective leverages these insights in the pursuit of cultivating effective and efficient teams.

Let me show you how the futurespective works, and what principles, ideas, and methods you can use to get your team moving towards solutions rather than problems. In this talk I’ll discuss some prerequisites, the futurespective setup, and transitioning from a retrospective to a futurespective.


The futurespective is an agile innovation created at SPF Consulting AG. It was innovated by Sufi Mohamed during discussions within the agile guild. His background in communications and sociological academic roots provide strong foundations to build upon the ideas contained in the Futurespective. The methodology has not yet been expressed until recently, and we would like to contribute this innovation to the agile community.