How Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Made Me a Better Software Developer

By Nate Taylor

Elevator Pitch

After years of being a couch potato, I started training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) thinking it would be a break from software development. However, some of the principles I learned on the mat have applied to my career in software development as well.


After more than a decade of being a couch potato, I decided to take up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ.) I thought that I was going to be starting a hobby that would help me be active, the polar opposite of sitting behind a desk writing code all day. What I found, however, were lessons that helped me be a better software developer. For example, I learned that people who are “naturally” good at something are usually the ones who have put in the most time working on that skill.

The goal of this talk is not to get you to start training in BJJ, instead, it will focus on ways to become a better developer by looking at a discipline outside of software development. At the end of the day, both BJJ and software development involve mastering skills. Throughout the talk, you’ll learn practical approaches that will assist you in your growth as a developer.