Software Can Change the World

By Nate Taylor

Elevator Pitch

Sometimes working on CRUD apps makes it hard to imagine that software can really have an impact on someone’s life, but it can. And not just the finished product, even the mere act of writing software can change people. This talk looks at how engineers can change the world with software.


Have you ever asked yourself “Is there more than just working 8-5?” Have you ever fantasized retiring so that you can do something more “meaningful?” Or perhaps you want to have an impact, but you just don’t feel like you have the spare time on nights and weekends. You don’t want to just be a faceless cog that spends their time fighting linters, compilers, and build systems. This talk will explore ways that you can improve the human condition right now, in your day job. You’ll learn about opportunities and skills you can put into practice today that will leave a positive legacy.