Automating the Management of Kubernetes Applications with Ansible

By Timothy Appnel

Elevator Pitch

Ansible fits naturally into any Kubernetes environment. This talk will demo how Ansible along with its templating and k8s module can be used instead of static YAML definitions that are manually applied using kubectl for rapid, repeatable and consistent multi-cluster deployments. Here we see how.


Ansible fits naturally into any Kubernetes environment. Both are very active and widely used open source projects with vibrant communities that help make hard things easier.

This talk will demonstrate how Ansible along with its built-in templating and k8s module can be used instead of static YAML definitions that are manually applied using kubectl for rapid, repeatable and consistent multi-cluster deployments.

Further, Ansible makes it easier to deploy and manage the complete lifecycle of complex Kubernetes applications. Traditionally, Operators have been written in Go and require expertise with the internals of Kubernetes. Ansible is also a first class citizen of the Operator SDK that provides an alternative to using Go with a lower barrier to entry. It frees up application engineers, maximizes time to automate and orchestrate your applications, and doing it across new & existing platforms with one simple language.

Here we discuss and demonstrate Ansible and Kubernetes can work together.