Up And Running Serverless: A Practical Development Workflow for AWS Serverless

By Tom McLaughlin

Elevator Pitch

This workshop will walk participants through a practical development workflow for AWS serverless systems. Rather than focusing on the architecture, this focuses the tools and process to get someone up and running, shorten their development cycles, and focus more on the system itself going forward.



This workshop will walk participants through a practical development workflow for AWS serverless systems. It introduces the participants to both serverless architecture and the tools to get up and running. This workshop starts by introducing the audience to a basic monolithic 3-tier serverless web application to familiarize them with the basics of serverless architecture. It proceeds to decompose the application into microservices and introduce them to how Serverless Framework is used to create serverless services. Finally, the participant will be tasked with adding a rudimentary feature to the application as an application of what was learned in the first two modules.

The structure of each module is as follows:

  • Intro of concepts by presenter
  • Self-paced workshop
  • Q&A followup

Someone should leave the workshop with an introductory understanding of serverless and the knowledge to continue exploring on their own.

NOTE: An AWS account is provided for the workshop so no need to bring your own!


This tutorial is broken down into roughly two 45 minute modules.

A Serverless Application and Tools: The class will be introduced to a serverless three tier web application. We’ll start by discussing its architecture as well as how each different service fits the definition of serverless in its own way. Next the class will be introduced to Serverless Framework which we’ll use to deploy and manage the application throughout its lifecycle.

The class will:

  • Deploy a serverless application
  • Invoke Lambda functions and tail logs from the command line.

Build And Deploy Your Own Serverless App: The class will move on to adding a new feature to the existing application. Thery will do this by building a simple serverless web services application with AWS Lambda and API gateway. This will take the class through the basics of building a serverless application from start to finish.

The class will:

  • Create a new serverless application from scratch
  • Integrate it with the application from the previous module.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone who has an interest in using AWS Lambda and other serverless technologies should attend.

Required skills

A user attending this workshop should be familiar with the following:

  • Unix(-like) command line usage
  • Basic AWS familiarity

Take Back to Work

  • Understanding of Serverless Framework and its usage
  • Understand how to locally and remotely test changes
  • See how to create a deployment pipeline.
  • Lead the conversation in your organization over how you’ll adopt serverless and best practices to help ensure its success.

Topics Include

  • Serverless architecture
  • Serverless development
  • Serverless Framework (deployment and management tool)


Technical requirements

  • Overhead projector that I can display laptop screen from
  • Internet access