Proper Care and Feeding of Jr. Developers

By Valarie Regas

Elevator Pitch

Jr. Devs require more than just a job; they need help from YOU. More than just a weekly coaching session, or odd email with feedback. This talk will focus on actionable tasks which can be implemented by mid- and Sr. Devs to help their Jr. teammates be more effective and efficient team members.


Jr. Developers require more than just a first job; they need help, and they need it from YOU. More than just a weekly coaching session. More than the odd email with feedback.

This talk will focus on concrete, actionable tasks which can be implemented by mid- and Sr. Developers to help their Jr. teammates be more effective, more efficient, and more independent at work.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link; learn how to strengthen your team with me. When they improve, your job is easier!


This talk requires only the ability to present slides.

As a Jr. Developer, assistance from those who know more is vital to my career. But more than that, when one teaches someone else, the person teaching reinforces their own understanding, and both parties benefit. I feel this talk would help a lot of developers, of all levels.

A natural researcher with a history in Psychology, I’ve been interviewing Jr. and mid- level developers to find out what real developers feel has been most and least helpful from Sr. developers over their careers. This talk will aggregate these stories into a cohesive recommendation for developers to use.