Title: Bringing Ops to Devs : Creating an Effective Ops Organisation

By Vishal Uderani

Elevator Pitch

The thing about DevOps is that everybody talks about what it means for operations teams, and hardly anybody talks about what it means for Developers

This talk focuses on our experiences and lessons learnt at OpenTable in building an effective Ops Organisation


Operations is not really a dedicated role anymore as it used to be it is more like a hand in-hand responsibility with engineering . Your ops org consists of all the skills, habits and most importantly the culture you have built up around delivering software, and every single engineer including tech support participates in this process. More often we see Engineering teams struggle when software engineers don’t have the operational skills needed to run their own services, and are oblivious about picking up these skills ; to a point where some may not fully understand as to why these skills are even relevant

So: how do you help your software engineers develop their ops muscles? How do you interview and hire for engineers who will enthusiastically co-create a vibrant ops culture? How do you identify and reward the heroes doing the silent, unsung work of paying down technical debt and shipping stable software? We’ll talk about how to create the kind of tight feedback loops that help engineers improve their craft, prevent burnout, and encourage a healthy, fun, collaborative culture of operational excellence.