Agent of Change? Here's Your Helmet

By Waldo G

Elevator Pitch

As popularity of DevOps rises, more orgs want the benefits that a DevOps culture can bring, they get the idea that they can hire to “Bring the DevOps”. In this talk I will describe what you’re actually getting into and some of the questions that you should ask before deciding your next career move.


A company that wants help bootstrapping a DevOps culture shift may seem like an attractive move for someone who is looking to make a move? What’s not to like? There seems to be a lot of these jobs now. It looks like a chance to make your name, and heavily influence a culture that wants to be influenced.

But this path is fraught with peril. Choosing the wrong company - especially as an Agent of Change - could harm your health and your career. In this talk, I will describe

  • What problems do they want you to solve?
  • The ways that companies delude themselves.
  • The people that you’ll meet.
  • The roadblocks that you’ll encounter.
  • The questions that you should ask before deciding to take the job.