Yaroslav Shmarov



My name is Yaroslav Shmarov. I like sharing my knowledge and learnings to empower and enable others in their journey.

I have created 5 best-selling top-rated Udemy courses, with over 5000 student enrolments so far. My courses are beginner-friendly code-alongs, where you get to build a complete app from zero.

Also, I created a youtube channel about Ruby on Rails named SupeRails with over 150 screencasts. In my videos I try to explain concepts in minutes, that otherwise would have taken days or weeks to learn.

I also write a “dev log” blog, where I document the most interesting, most challenging daily programming challenges I overcome at work. I think that writing a “dev log” and documenting learnings helps with structuring knowledge. It helped me become 10x dev vs who I was.

When Hotwire was released, I was working at a startup that used Rails, GraphQL and React. We were early adopters of Hotwire, and we completely rewrote our application into a Rails monolith with server-side rendering with Hotwire and ViewComponent for the design system. The frontend had a lot of complex UI interactions that were previously done with React, and I had the opportunity to solve complex problems with Hotwire, Kredis, ViewComponent, StimulusJS, RequestJS. Since then I have worked as a “Frontend owner” with different companies, where my role was to create complex UI’s with Hotwire. While working with the technology, I had identified multiple common-use patterns and best practices, that I can talk about.

By the way, I never got a CS degree. I got a degree in marketing, but switched to programming. I am self-taught. Initially I tried out Ruby on Rails, because I needed a “School Management web app” for my business. I could not find a good one on the market, so I decided to build one. With no prior experience, Rails was very fast to learn. I was amazed by scaffolds, associations, devise and Heroku - it’s all I really needed to worry about when building my app! That’s what I call Rails magic - being able to jump in and build something that provides business value with minimal experience!