We Love Speed

Nantes, France September 17, 2024

Tags: Webperf, Seo, First time speaker welcome

CFP closed at  May 26, 2024 23:30 UTC

We Love Speed is the only French event dedicated to Web Performance. Created by and for the webperf community, our 2024 edition needs a strong conference program, hence this CFP: we need you!

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: Sunday, May 26th, 2024 23:59 (Paris time)

Applicants will receive the decision by e-mail under 2 weeks.


We are expecting around 200 attendees. Among them: decision-makers, developers, enthusiasts, or experts in web performance, as well as a more diverse audience such as Chief Digital Officer, e-commerce, marketing or SEO. We will therefore select conferences adapted to all sensitivities. There will be something for everyone!


This 6th edition will take place on 17th september 2024 in Nantes (2.5 hours from Paris by train, an airport is nearby).


We will reimburse the traveling costs, around a few hundred euros, will pay you 1 or 2 hotel nights depending on your needs. You are invited to the staff / speaker diner on Sept. 16th (and to the after party if we have the budget) and of course the entrance is free for you.

CFP Description


The talks will be either 25 or 45 minutes long (you can choose one, the other or both options by filling the form). Talks will be available for free on our Youtube chanel. Conferences are totaly separated from sponsoring, in one way or another. If your company needs to guarantee its presence, workshops can be sponsorised.

First time speaker are welcome and can be offered coaching

We estimate that the time required to complete the form is about ten minutes. Before you start, make sure you have written a short paragraph explaining your presentation in relation to the identified topics !

Example of topics that can fit: - Discover - Deep Dive - Feedback - Technical topic - SEO topic - Digital/Marketing/E-commerce topic

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