WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2021

Virtual June 28, 2021, June 29, 2021, June 30, 2021, July 01, 2021


CFP closed at  May 31, 2021 15:57 UTC

THE WORLD’S FLAGSHIP DEVELOPER CONFERENCE The WeAreDevelopers World Congress is the world’s largest annual gathering of software developers, engineers, software architects and tech decision-makers.

Every year, the global developer community meets at the WeAreDevelopers World Congress to connect with peers and get recent insights on software development, best practices and future tech trends - delivered by none other than the world’s greatest minds in tech.

CREATE.APPLY.DISRUPT - We live in the age of code and developers are taking charge of the world in which they create, apply and disrupt our society. Renowned industry leaders and tech pioneers will once again come together to be a part of the world’s flagship developer conference and show how we are reinventing the world every day.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web and HTML. He has received multiple awards and honors, including the Turing Award, the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, the election as Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and many other accolades.

He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 and has been named as one of the ‘100 Most Important People of he 20th Century’ by the TIME magazine. Sir Tim is the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and of the World Wide Web Foundation.

We are beyond pleased to welcome Sir Tim Berners-Lee as keynote speaker to the WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2021.

CFP Description

CALL FOR SPEAKERS You have the talk. We have the audience! We are always looking for great minds sharing their knowledge with the developer community. Submit your talk and join an unparalleled line-up of inspiring speakers.

SUBMIT YOUR TALK We are beyond excited to invite you to be part of the WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2021, taking place online from June 28th – July 1st!

We invite you to share your high-quality knowledge and experience 🔈. We are talking dev talks and live coding!

It doesn’t matter if you have spoken at dev events before, this is your chance to showcase your passion for code and your work. Speak your mind about trends, technologies and challenges of tomorrow in software development.

Help us build a great program by submitting your talk / workshop /coding proposals. We are looking very much forward to your content!

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