Mobile Conf 2020

Bangkok, Thailand August 29, 2020
Tags: Swift, Objective-c, Ios, Android, Mobile, React native, Flutter, Cross platform

CFP closed at  June 30, 2020 23:06 UTC

We have been organizing this conference since 2 years ago and it’s one of the biggest tech conference happened in Bangkok. We were grateful to have around 350 people for both times, who worked and interested in mobile development technology, came to the conference.

This year we would like to make it better and better for everyone from the last year feedbacks. We wish to see a greater, deeper topics to be presented and discussed in the conference.

Let’s join hands and help create the experience of a greater and better conference. We would love to have you as a part of this event, and we would be appreciated for your contribution to improve and strengthen the community.

CFP Description

Session formats

The conference has two part. We will sit in the same room in the morning learning about general topics, a cross-platform technology, or listen to an experience developer to learn tips and tricks on how to become a better mobile developer. The conference will be split into two tracks in the afternoon, Android and iOS track. Each track are not limited to the each platform, and we’re encouraging all participants to take a chance to learn from each others.

General & Cross Platform Topic (morning & evening session)

  • expect to have 5 single track sessions (3 in the morning, 2 in the evening)
  • All people sitting in a single large room
  • Variety of audience (different platform, different background)
  • 35 minutes including Q&A

Platform Specific Talks (afternoon session)

  • expect to have 4 sessions for each platform, iOS and Android
  • expect audience to have variety of skill level
  • 35 minutes including Q&A

Selection process

We want to make the proposal selection process as neutral as possible. We believe that everyone has something to share and we’re here to provide the stage. Not only the well-known speakers who have done tons of speeches but also somebody out there who spend a large part of their time tinkering on the problems that many of us may be having right now. In short, we have the selection process as follow.

  • All proposal will be anonymized to be fair for everyone
  • All proposal will be reviewed by a group of volunteers and rate from 1 to 10 (rated by relevance, title and description interest)
  • We will reach out to you on Papercall if we have any questions about your proposal (please answers to us in timely manner)
  • We will let you know the result of selection process

Proposal Guideline

  • Submit the topic you passionate about
  • The talk can be presented in both Thai and English
  • Topic that benefits everyone
  • Interesting topics (cross platform technology, soft skill, etc.)
  • Engaging title, be polite, humor is accepted
  • Integrate your own story, or personal experience is a plus

Important: You can submit more than one topic, and please submit them separately. If you send them all together in a single submission, we may need to omit them all.

Speaker benefits

Once you got confirmed to be one of our speaker in MobileConf 2020, we will help you through the process of preparation. We will help you on the speaker deck, and slides if you need. We have a sponsor package for the speaker in need which include traveling cost and the hotel fee. If you are from outside of Thailand, we will sponsor your plane ticket. There are more for the speakers as follow.

  • Free conference ticket for you and one follower (2 tickets in total, if you already paid for the ticket, we will make a full refund)
  • Traveling cost and accommodation fee during the event (if your organization covers these costs, we will list them as a sponsor on our website)
  • Speaker grooming party

Attendees (3)