satRday Cardiff 2018

Main Building, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales June 23, 2018
Tags: Live demo, Sponsor, Business - use case, Business - experience, Code - introduction to, Code - hobby/inspiration, R, Data science

CFP closed at  May 31, 2018 16:05 UTC

CaRdiff - the Cardiff R User Group are collaborating with businesses from the city and beyond to provide a day of R learning and events.

CFP Description

We will be having sessions in 2 tracks, with 2 sections each


  • Business use case (e.g. “We at [good biz] did [great data project]”)
  • Business experience/process/approach (e.g. “At [good biz] we believe in doing [technology/structure/process])


  • Hobby inspiration projects (e.g. “I got some data on [something fun] and did a [cool thing]”)
  • Introduction to X (e.g. “How I learned to stop worrying and love git”, “A hitchhikers guide to the tidyverse”, “IDE another day”)

Attendees (4)