Fear! The other-other F-Word.

By Marjorie Leon

Elevator Pitch

When we have a large challenge to undertake, we hit the F wall. When we are wanting to do something BIG, we hit the F wall. How does it feel to fear and what is the cure, behaviorally? This is the big question.


There are several four letter words that invade our serenity, but the biggest one of all is F-E-A-R. It is the other-other F - word. We feel fear viscerally, in our bodies and our minds. Whether it is something good that scares us or something we hear in the dark, our interpretation of fear and our ideas of fear can play tricks on us. How do we face fear, find meaning in the scary thing to be conquered and move forward? By doing it in Tiny steps. Learn how to face Fear, reframe it, untangle it and succeed.


I have been researching obesity in women for 7 years. It has been my obsession for so long to try and find out why some of us are overweight, how we think about food, our social influences and our cravings. I have been a plant based advocate for 9 years, teaching at Western Colorado Community College for 2, making local appearances and offering classes covering nutrition, habits and cravings. I teach Cooking classes for those who want to get better food in their body. I have studied under some of the most amazing minds in this sphere. Pamela Popper, Bj Fogg, John McDougall and many more. I hold a Master’s degree in psychology and am a Doctoral Candidate, studying obesity in women. I am certified as a coach for Tiny Habits, in Plant Based Nutrition, for My Health My Priority and am an approved provider through Dr. Pam Popper. Tiny Habits makes me uniquely suited to speak on this topic as it teaches us to take small steps, untangle behavior instead of powering through or relying on willpower and motivation.