How to get your senior devs to talk for hours: Object Oriented Programming vs Functional Programming

By Bojan Miletic

Elevator Pitch

We can use both OOP and FP in Python, but knowing when to use which, is a short question with a very long response.

I’ll try to help you navigate this battlefield and teach you when to chose which one :)


We’ll go over the basic of functional and object oriented programming, after some example demonstrating benefits and disadvantages of each of them, we’ll move in to the Gray zone where choice between them isn’t as easy. We’ll go over best practices and offer advice on how to make a choice (or argue with colleges why they are wrong :D)


I’ve been working in Python for almost a decade. Over the course of it, I had opportunity to see lots of similar problems solved in completely different ways. I hope to share my knowledge of how to chose a right tool to solve the problem and offer insight into various methodologies available to programmers.