Rethinking Leadership – Cyberspace. The Pandemic Frontier. Its Mission: To Seek Out Rapid Innovations, And New Workforce Civilizations. To Boldly Go Where No Leader Has Gone Before.

By Elena Steinke

Elevator Pitch

Supporting a remote workforce during COVID increased demands on already over-worked IT/Cyber professionals, juggling new infrastructure requirements with families’ homeschooling needs. As leaders, how do we balance the added increasing demands? Unprecedented times, require unprecedented decisions.


Supporting a remote workforce during COVID increased demands on already over-worked IT and cybersecurity professionals, juggling new IT infrastructure support requirements with families’ homeschooling and childcare needs. As leaders, where do we fit into this equation? What is our responsibility to our people? How do we balance the added demands of work and family and the increasing leadership demands? We deal with the same issues as everyone else. How do we manage not to burn out and ensure we always do what’s right by our people and organizations? These have been unprecedented times, requiring unprecedented decisions by digging very deep and taking great care to do the right thing. It’s easy to do it when it’s easy, but it isn’t always easy, particularly recently.