Antonio Cobo

Bedford, UK


Antonio is an Agile enthusiast with more than 20 years experience in the IT industry and specialises in Agile methodologies. He comes from a technical background, starting his career as a Java Developer in Spain in 2000, moving to different roles within IT in three different countries. Antonio is passionate about creating and implementing the best solution while continually seeking to improve work methodologies. He is convinced that most of the problems in IT are due to lack of communication! He usually speaks about Agile, DevOps,Team management and mental health at conferences across Europe and US, such as DevOps Days, Agile Tour, JSConf, Codemotion and Voxxed Days.

My Talks

Failed and successful stories with Technical Debt

How to overcome your fears to become a conference speaker

Impostor syndrome in the IT world from a conference speaker's perspective

Karaoke Ignite Talk

Leia VS Galadriel: Exploring your inner leader

My journey discovering Agnostic Agile

Sharpening your skills to discover your inner consultant

Sindrome del impostor en IT desde los ojos de un ponente