Bailey Hayes

Cary, NC


Bailey Hayes is the CTO at Cosmonic. She serves as WASI co-chair for the W3C WebAssembly Subgroup and the Bytecode Alliance Technical Steering committee director. She believes the future is in distributed systems and WebAssembly (Wasm). Bailey is a maintainer of CNCF wasmCloud and has built many different types of production applications with WebAssembly including a web app for data visualization, user-defined functions support within the query engine process of a database, as well as serverless functions in the cloud and on the edge.

Her daily activities include wrangling microservices, finding new tools for better devx, and discovering the best food for any given location. She is a lifetime NC native and lives with her partner and two high energy dogs in Cary, NC.

My Talks

Distributed Computation with WASM and WASI

wasi-cloud: The Future of Cloud Computing with WebAssembly

Wasm Warriors: Conquering Real-World Problems in Production