Wasm Warriors: Conquering Real-World Problems in Production

By Bailey Hayes

Elevator Pitch

Are you curious how engineers are applying WebAssembly to address practical challenges in the real world? Listen to a discussion from the preeminent experts who have deployed Wasm to production and learn how they solved the unique challenges related to WebAssembly.


Join host Nigel Poulton, with panelists Bailey Hayes, Marcin Kolny, Oscar Spencer, and Saúl Cabrera for a candid discussion sharing firsthand experiences, successes, and challenges in deploying Wasm to production in real-world applications. These leading experts will share how they leveraged Wasm in different environments from web applications, server-side microservices, and plugins for enhanced performance, security, programmability, and cross-platform innovation.


Our panelists are leading experts in all things Wasm and have varied practical experiences to share. Combined, our panelists cover many of the predominant use-cases for Wasm. The panel will be moderated by Nigel Poulton, brilliant author, speaker, educator, and technology strategist.

Background on why our panelists are the best speakers for this topic: - Bailey Hayes has deployed Wasm to production at different companies and for very different environments from a data visualization web application, a User Defined Function (UDF) engine in a database, and most recently as the CTO at Cosmonic, a PaaS that is built on a WebAssembly backend. - Marcin Kolny is a Senior Software Engineer on the Prime Video team at Amazon. Amazon Prime Video leverages Wasm to target many different platforms and operating systems. - Oscar Spencer is the co-author of the Grain programming language and principal engineer for NGINX, leading efforts related to WebAssembly. He previously managed a Wasm-based extensibility-as-a-service engine at Suborbital. - Saúl Cabrera leads the team behind Wasm at Shopify. Wasm plays a key role in Shopify Functions, enabling app developers to customize Shopify’s backend. Saúl is behind Javy, A JavaScript to Webassembly toolchain used in production to power JavaScript support in Shopify Functions, and Winch, a baseline compiler in Wasmtime.