Manage vSphere with PowerCLI DSC Resources, Finally!

By Kyle Ruddy

Elevator Pitch

Configuration management is a key DevOps principle. PowerShell and PowerShell DSC is an easy way to make use of config management in our environments. However, there’s one area that’s been missing that ability: VMware. PowerCLI has introduced the key to close that gap, and… it’s open-sourced!


Configuration management is one of those key DevOps principles. Being able to declare a state and do it all in code, where we can take advantage of those developer processes we know and love like source control, unit testing, etc. This ability is not something that’s new to PowerShell though, DSC has been around since Windows Server 2012 R2. However, this ability is something new to VMware environments. This session is going to take a look at the brand new DSC resources available for vCenter servers and ESXi hosts. We’ll take a walk through the nuances on how to get started using them, then applying some configuration settings. Finally, because these resources are open source, we will end by making a contribution back to the repository!


At the time of this submission, these resources are not yet public. They will be public by no later than early 2019.