Kyle Ruddy

Tampa, FL, USA


Kyle Ruddy is a well-known expert in DevOps and cloud computing. With over a decade of experience in the industry, he currently serves as the Director of Technical Product Marketing at HashiCorp. Kyle has given over 100 talks and ten keynotes at various conferences and events worldwide.

He is a thought leader in automation, infrastructure, and cloud computing and has contributed significantly to developing and implementing Terraform and PowerShell technologies. Kyle has a deep understanding of how technology can be leveraged to create efficient and scalable systems and has helped many organizations achieve their goals through effective automation and DevOps practices.

Kyle is highly regarded in the community for his contributions to various social programs, including being a five-time Microsoft MVP. He is known for his willingness to share knowledge and experience and is often sought after for his insights on emerging technologies and industry trends.

My Talks

Creating PowerShell Modules from OpenAPI Specs, Lessons Learned

Developing Terraform Modules For Scale

Manage vSphere with PowerCLI DSC Resources, Finally!

Mutability, Declarability, and Disposability, oh my!

PowerSheller's Guide to Terraform

VMware PowerCLI, not just a PowerShell module!

What everyone ought to know about VMware PowerCLI