VMware PowerCLI, not just a PowerShell module!

By Kyle Ruddy

Elevator Pitch

Anyone with a VMware environment has probably noticed PowerCLI is the easiest way to manage it. During this deep-dive, we’ll show you how to do more things, faster and more efficiently using methods you may not know have existed!


PowerCLI is the best way to manage VMware environments. If you’re involved with a VMware environment, you probably already know this. But, are you using PowerCLI to its fullest potential? Are you filling the functionality gaps the cmdlets can’t with API calls? Are you managing multiple vCenters with a single PowerShell console? Are you leveraging DSC?

Two Microsoft MVPs will walk attendees through the tips and tricks they’ve learned over the past years to tackle these tasks and others in order to perform tasks faster and more efficiently in this demo heavy session!


This Deep Dive will not only be of interest to users of VMware products, it will also demonstrate techniques that are equally applicable to other domains and products.

Second speaker: Name: Luc Dekens URL: lucd.info Twitter: @lucd22 Shirt Size: XXL Bio: Luc is a huge fan of all things automation and SDDC, and an early adopter of VMware PowerCLI. He is a regular speaker at conferences (VMworld US & EMEA, PowerShell conferences in the USA, Europe and Asia). He is also the co-author of the PowerCLI Reference (ed 1 & ed 2). For his community contributions, Luc is awarded vExpert and MVP. Luc is active in the VMTN Community as LucD.