Automated container updates with GitHub & CoreOS

By Major Hayden

Elevator Pitch

Stressed out with your deployments? Move to automated container deployments using GitHub, Renovate and Watchtower on CoreOS. Spend less time on managing an operating system and more time on building projects at work and at home.


We’ve all been there: overwhelmed by deployments on servers and cloud instances with various versions of operating systems in various states of deployments. Containers empowered us to break free from the OS constraints and deliver software more independently. Let’s take containers to the next level by building them automatically in GitHub Actions, using Renovate to maintain the container source, and running Watchtower on CoreOS to keep our deployment updated on each server.

In this talk, you will learn how to set up a fully automated container pipeline that has no costs outside of the server running your containers. All of this eventually lands on CoreOS – a minimalist, container-centric operating system that updates just like the phone in your pocket.


Hello, reviewers! I’m a big fan of running containers and making them a central part of how I deploy applications at work and at home. I’ve written quite a bit about containers and CoreOS already:

I went to a fully automated container pipeline for all of my cloud hosting and my machines at home. It saves me a ton of time and I’d like to share that story with TXLF attendees!

Thank you!