TypeScript FTW

By Mike Sigsworth

Elevator Pitch

TypeScript is taking the JavaScript world by storm. Come and experience what all the hype is about. You will learn the fundamentals of TypeScript and how to get started using it on your next (or current) project.


The JavaScript community is embracing TypeScript. This talk will outline some of the most compelling reasons why, while simultaneously demonstrating the fundamentals of the language. Within 60 minutes you will gain an understanding of core concepts such as the type system, classes, arrow functions, modules, and more. You will also see how TypeScript enables better tooling support, providing a much richer development experience than working with plain old JavaScript.


I’ve been working with TypeScript for a few years. I can’t imagine doing plain old JavaScript anymore. I jokingly say that TypeScript has become a crutch for me, but in reality, I can still write plain old JavaScript, I just don’t want to!

I believe the JavaScript community is embracing the concept of static typing (including both Flow and TypeScript). In less than two years time, compiling your JavaScript will be considered a no-brainer, and using TypeScript will be no more of a crutch than writing in any other high level language instead of Assembly. There is no reason to write vanilla JS anymore. TypeScript isn’t going away and it’s only getting better. And it’s getting better fast!

There are no technical requirements. All I need is the standard setup.