Angular 2 Fundamentals

By Mike Sigsworth

Elevator Pitch

Angular 2 is here and it’s awesome! Come and learn how to build an Angular 2 application using TypeScript and the Angular CLI!


This talk will outline the fundamentals of Angular 2, how it’s different than it’s predecessor, and what the future holds for the framework.

Angular 2, coupled with TypeScript and the Angular CLI, provide developers with the tools needed to build large web applications that scale and leverage today’s cutting edge best practices of front-end web development.

You will learn about Angular 2’s module system, components, services, and more. You will also see how the Angular CLI makes managing your build pipeline a breeze.

Building robust front-end web apps has never been easier!


I have been working with Angular 2 in my spare time for a few months now. I was always a fan of Angular 1, but Angular 2 has upped the ante.

In April I will be attending ng-conf, and hope to incorporate a lot of what I learn into this talk. I will also be taking a workshop on how to migrate Angular 1 apps to Angular 2, so that will be an interesting topic to explore as well.