Top tech trends for 2020

By Robert Bravery

Elevator Pitch

Has the HAL 2000 from the 2001: A Space Odyssey finally arrived, or are we seeing the start of Skynet from the Terminator. Looking at the top tech trends in 2020 will convince you that what was once considered as Hollywood sci-fi, could actually be reality.


Augmented reality, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning, bots and robotics are all technologies that were once talked about, but now it seems that they are finally here. Will your fridge be able to detect sour milk and order a fresh bottle? Perhaps your security system could detect intruders by scanning bio metrics and then inform law enforcement of potential security breaches. Mobile apps will become less and less significant because companies will change to software robots instead. In our talk we will look at the top tech trends that could change your life and indeed your job. Job specs and positions that are in existence today will not exist anymore in five years time. Are you moving with these trends? If not, you will be left behind. Take a look at what tech trends to look out for and be prepared for the future.


This talk could possible be a Key-note talk. If not, it would do great as an opener to other future tech talks.