Getting to know Ethereum and Smart Contracts

By Sander Gerz

Elevator Pitch

Ethereum has become one of the main blockchain technologies from both a public and enterprise perspective. In this talk, you will learn what the Ethereum blockchain really is and how you can use it on the .NET platform. We’ll discuss smart contracts and how to implement them using Solidity.


Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.

Ethereum has become one of the main blockchain technologies in use both by the public as well as enterprises. Many businesses are implementing and exploring ways to use this blockchain technology to create new decentralised applications and improve existing business processes, trust and regulation. In this talk, you will learn what the Ethereum blockchain really is and how you can use it on the .NET platform. We will dive into realistic use cases to find out when to use a blockchain, and when not to use it. Finally, we’ll discuss smart contracts and how to implement them using Solidity.