Create your own sandwich with React Hooks

By Peter Eijgermans

Elevator Pitch

Learn all about React and Hooks in this talk. During this talk, Peter walks through the process of building an app that lets you build your own sandwich using React. The main goal of this talk is how to implement a state management with the useContext hook in React.


Learn all about React and Hooks in this talk. During this talk, Peter walks through the process of building an app that lets you build your own sandwich using React. Major topics covered are: JSX, class and functional components, props, state, lifecycle methods. And the following hooks pass by: useState, useReducer, useContext, useEffect and many other hooks. The main goal of this talk is how to implement a state management with the useContext hook in React. Finally, he will explain how to create a custom hook in React. After this talk, you can combine these ideas into React’s modular programming style.


Why I am the best person for this talk? Because I am always keen to push the web forward with courses and talks about Frontend development. I like innovation, using new frontend frameworks and coaching people. That’s my drive to speak on conferences. And last but not least I am an experienced React developer.