CFP closed at  January 26, 2021 07:59 UTC

Welcome to the Women in Data Science - Puget Sound 2021 call for proposals! As we have done in the past editions, we encourage anyone who identifies as a woman to submit a proposal relevant to the field of data science. Classic examples of data science topics include statistics, machine learning, data analytics and visualization, but we are also looking to hear your story! What is your favorite project, lessons you’ve learned along your journey, how did you land your first data science job? We’d love to hear from you!

Key Dates

Conference : April 27, 2021
Proposal submission (start): December 1, 2020 (8 AM PST)
Proposal submission (end): January 25, 2021 (10 PM PST)
Notification: Feb 21, 2021

If you are a first time speaker and would like us to help you prepare your proposal, email us at widspscommittee [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line “Proposal Help”. We’ll be happy to help you out!

CFP Description

We’re inviting proposals for talks (20 or 40 minutes) and workshops (60 minutes) that are relevant and interesting to the data science community in the Puget Sound area! We welcome speakers from all backgrounds and levels of experience. This includes first-time or experienced speakers; industry, academic, and government agency speakers. Wherever you are in your personal data science career journey, we would like to see your submission!

Talks should be on projects and topics you’ve worked on recently or in the past (what did/did not work, what could be better next time), a technique you think more people should learn about, and/or data science career advice from your experience.

Here are some suggested themes to consider :
* Back to the Basics - Connecting methods/solutions to fundamental concepts in the field
* Data Tales - Bring forward the tales/woes of data. Data quality, data cleaning, biases in data, and so on
* Partners in Progress - How you partnered with cross-functional stakeholders to design a solution, deliver a product, etc.
* Strategies for Success - Strategies and methods you leveraged for success in your career
* Future of Data Science - Key trends influencing the future of data science

Details on Types of Submissions

  • 20-minute talks should be a brief coverage of a technical or career-focused subject.
  • 40-minute talks should focus on an in-depth explanation of a technical data science subject, or a detailed explanation of a technical project you have worked on.
  • Workshops should be an hour-long deep dive into a technical or career-focused subject matter, where attendees can learn something new. These will be active participation sessions with approximately 30 attendees. These should have a hands-on element and ideally something that attendees can take away with them - e.g., a list of suggestions from a career workshop, or code samples from a technical workshop.

Selection Process

The talks will be selected via a double-blind review process. To help this, please remove any identifiable information in the talk abstract or elevator pitch.

We will not accept talks that pitch products affiliated with the speaker.

Attendees (2)