Write/Speak/Code 2018

New York, NY August 01, 2018, August 04, 2018


CFP closed at  May 05, 2018 16:05 UTC

Write/Speak/Code is an intensive, four-day, hands-on conference with workshops, personalized feedback sessions, panels, and talks by talented women and non-binary coders. Each day of the conference is themed: Write/Visibility Day, Speak/Leadership Day, Code/Project Day and Growth. Attendees leave the conference having developed blog posts, conference talks, open source contributions, and more. We provide actionable next steps and a supportive community to keep attendees accountable to the goals they set at the conference and beyond.

Our conference features two tracks:

  • Foundations features our original Write/Speak/Code curriculum designed to launch you into your next step of thought leadership, conference speaking, or open source coding. This is a guided track that will have individual, pair, and small group exercises as well as panels and lectures. Each day will end with the creation of a deliverable: a blog post draft, give a talk, and create a Pull Request! This track is great for anyone who is new to writing, speaking, or coding or those in transition (moving from individual contributor to lead or re-entering after time off or changing focus areas etc).
  • Explorations will include talks, facilitated curriculum, and hands on workshops each day. Workshops will culminate in creating a deliverable based on the day’s theme (for example, a technical zine or an outline for a workshop you can give). This track is great for anyone who has attended our conference in the past, or who feels confident in writing, speaking, and coding from their current expertise.

CFP Description

Please apply here

Write/Speak/Code is looking for woman and non-binary coders to share their experience, skills, and life story with our community. We are particularly interested in these topics:

  • Writing and thought leadership
  • Conference speaking, communication, and presentations skills
  • Contributing to open source and community/team coding
  • Leadership and management skills
  • Advanced technical topics appealing to a wide audience
  • Ethics of technology and our responsibility as coders
  • How code relates to other interests and hobbies, such as music or crafting
  • Self-care
  • Continuous learning and career development
  • Experiences of marginalization

Attendees (2)