CFP closed at  December 03, 2023 23:59 UTC

From startups to the big banks, Singapore is home to an awesome tech community. DevOpsDays Singapore will bring 300+ development, operations, security, and management professionals together to discuss the culture, processes, and tools to enable better organizations and innovative products.

The general CFP is closed;

however, we are still accepting lighting talk proposals.

You can view the the agenda:

CFP Description


There are three ways to propose a topic at DevOpsDays Singapore:

  1. A 30-minute talk presented during the conference, usually in the mornings.
  2. An Ignite talk presented during the Ignite sessions (scheduling varies). These are 5 minutes slots with slides changing every 15 seconds (20 slides total).
  3. Open Space: If you’d like to lead a group discussion during the attendee-suggested Open Space breakout sessions, it is not necessary to propose it ahead of time. Those topics are suggested in person at the conference. If you’d like to demo your product or service, you should sponsor the event and demo it at your table.

Conference Theme

Our theme this year is the Cloud Operations. As DevOps practitioners, we need insights into our processes and how effectively our teams are operating (an indicator of how well our DevOps adoption strategy is working). As more teams build and host applications and infrastructure in the cloud, the term CloudOps has gained traction. IT operations professionals have always been responsible for the monitoring, maintenance and installation of servers, networks and other IT infrastructure. With proliferation of API for cloud we have seen more automation services for change management and chargeback, maintaining compliance and configuration. But, third-party cloud vendors like AWS, GCP and Azure are changing the way Ops teams need to operate their services.

We’d love to hear how you and your organisation tackle these challenges, about failures and successes related to your systems or teams, how you deliver cloud services and/or infrastructure, new tools and methods you have tried or came up with that have produced great or not so great outcomes.

You are also welcome to submit proposals that you feel fall outside this theme.

We also encourage those who have not presented before and can offer support to anyone who would like to submit a proposal. Please email us with any questions. Even better, just submit your proposal and let us know it’s your first presentation. We can offer support that includes review of your CFP content, speaking and presentation coaching/tips, travel, and accommodation assistance.


How to submit a proposal: Use Singapore PaperCall and provide the details in the form.


  • Be specific. We aren’t mind readers (a description of about 20 lines is about right)
  • Detail is good, but not as important as explaining why your proposal would be interesting
  • Multiple proposals are welcome. Just respect the other rules

Support If you have any questions about the CFP, please feel free to send an email to the organising team

Attendees (4)