CFP closed at  January 15, 2023 00:00 UTC

Why Neos Con?

Neos and Flow are based on the idea that your content should adjust to your business domain. Following the same rule to bring targeted content to your audience with Neos, Neos Con is designed for the community and to take everyone further. Because our audience deserves the best content. Every time.

What is Neos Con?

Neos Conference started as a simple idea: Let’s bring the Neos community together and learn even more from each other. Neos Con features high class speakers and deep-dive tech and developer talks.

Meet the “who-is-who” of the international Neos community: team members, developers, agencies, organisations and (maybe) future colleagues and friends.

We’re streaming the whole conference live and record each talk individually to put online and to be used for personal promotion. Check out our YouTube channel ( for more talk recordings of previous conferences.

More about the Neos CMS project:

CFP Description


The Neos Con audience mainly consists of developers, CTOs, and students.


The conference will have two rooms. The main track is dedicated to Neos/Flow-related topics and keynotes. The second room provides space to present and discuss alternative tech topics, ideally with some connection to Neos/Flow.

Note: It is also possible to give remote talks. Typically you would pre-record your talk and maybe be available via video call for a short Q&A afterward.

All talks are held in English. Tech talks also profit hugely from live demo parts and jokes ;-)

So we would like to hear your talks about:

Neos & Flow

As the headline event in the Neos community every year, we are interested in all kinds of topics related to Neos and Flow. These include:

  • current best practices
  • customer stories and case studies
  • innovation and currently being-worked-on features
  • how to extend and adapt Neos to all kinds of use cases

Other related topics

We also want to extend the range of topics being covered, so that people can gain further inspiration and think out of the box. That’s why we are looking for the following topics as well, ideally with some connection to Neos/Flow:

  • React - Single Page Apps, GraphQL, React Native
  • PHP - Approaches and Best Practices, Legacy Migration, Scalability
  • Infrastructure - Cloud, Kubernetes, Docker, Monitoring (Prometheus, Grafana, ELK …)
  • Integration of different systems, Authentication, and Identity Management
  • Machine Learning / AI / Data Mining
  • Testing - e.g. Behavioral Tests
  • Extensibility - best practices on building extensible systems
  • SEO/SEA - e.g. Page Speed, etc.
  • Project Management - Agile, Scrum, Kanban, RE.A.L.

Your topic idea here ;-)

If you have a topic not being covered by the list above, do not hesitate to submit it anyways!

Thank you for your contribution!

Attendees (4)