CFP closed at  May 14, 2016 23:59 UTC

Full Stack Fest is a week-long full stack development conference with a focus on solving current problems with new & inspiring perspectives.

We’re putting the languages aside to put a strong focus on the technologies behind them and the problems they’re trying to solve. At its core, the conference retains its soul: A single-track, curated, deeply technical event featuring the best speakers and industry leaders worldwide.


We’re opening a total of 16 speaker slots. Talks are 40 minutes long, including questions and answers. Full Stack Fest will have a single track featuring talks along the following themes:

  • Devops + infrastructure: unikernels, containers, service orchestration, monitoring – all about running code in production (as opposed to writing it).

  • Backend + distributed systems: architecting a distributed system, fault-tolerance, latest trends in software design, persistence, you name it.

  • Machine learning + NLP + AI: data crunching, learning algorithms, natural language interfaces, and more.

  • UX + browser technology + mobile: latest trends in UX patterns, clean / performant / testable user interfaces, reactive UIs, progressive enhancement… – anything that you can see, click or tap.

  • IoT + wearable technology + robotics: embedded devices, fog computing, the potential of wearable software and how it’s helping people and businesses, today and tomorrow.

CFP Description

Selection process

Our CFP selection process is blind, meaning that we can only see the proposal title and abstract when we’re voting, except at the latest stage where we watch the included video exclusively to check and rate speaking skills.

The kind of submissions that we are looking for are, to get a rough idea:

  • Success / failure stories of applying an approach / technology to a business problem, lessons learned

  • Innovative ideas / technology applicable to current problems

  • Inspiring talks that reflect upon shared problems and will leave the audience with renewed motivation, new ideas, etc

  • As a general guideline, our motto is “problems of today, ideas from the future”

There are however some kinds of submissions that have no place at Full Stack Fest and will get immediately discarded:

  • Commercial talks that talk about a product

  • Recruitment talks to highlight current employer and attract talent

  • Talks about a specific library / project explaining how it works / how to use it (lightning talks are probably a better place for these)

  • Talks that are not in English

  • Talks that don’t comply with our Code Of Conduct

We’ll do our best to provide feedback to all applicants to help you refine the topic.

Tips for submitting a good proposal

  • We value original ideas applicable to real-world problems. Our audience expects to get inspiration, learn, and apply their learnings to their current problems.

  • Make sure that the talk abstract contains as much detail about the presentation as possible, including possible extras (audio, network, etc).

  • Keep the audience in mind: there will be professional developers as well as newcomers.

  • Make sure your talk is engaging, in a way the audience wouldn’t rather read a blogpost about the topic instead.

  • If your talk contains any live coding, we’d prefer if you pre-recorded it. If you’d rather do it live, make sure you’ve practiced enough beforehand.

  • It’s okay to mention your employer, but if you push it too hard our audience will react against it (that applies even if your employer is sponsoring Full Stack Fest).

We encourage you to check out Zach Holman’s guide to writing a good proposal (thanks @holman!).

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