Learn how Microsoft Azure’s cloud services can accelerate your cloud app development process: we support the tools and languages you already use, security and management services are built-in, ML/AI capabilities are quickly callable from your app, and you can retain full control on how (and where) you deploy your code.
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I'm Attending!August 13, 2024October 08, 2024Boston Ruby Group - Monthly MeetingUTCBoston Ruby is a local community of Rubyists and enthusiasts of open source software. The main event is (usually) the second Tuesday of every month @ 6PM.
The meeting entails one or two 30-minute presentations, lightning talks, and announcements.
We are always looking for great talks and speakers! Please submit your talks here so we can respond and schedule them.Boston, MA
I'm Attending!May 17, 2019May 18, 2919Data Terra NemoUTC*Terra Nemo* is a Latin expression meaning, "No man's land"
*Data Terra Nemo* is a technical conference about decentralized protocols and the software built on top of them.
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I'm Attending!October 27, 2022October 27, 20225th International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Optimization 2022UTCCALL FOR PAPERS, SPECIAL SESSIONS, POSTERS & DEMOS
ICO 2022- Hybrid Conference (Zoom Webinar + Hua Hin)
5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Optimization 2022
October 27-28, 2022
Conference website: https://www.icico.info/
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ico2022
Submission deadline: July 24, 2022
E-mail: icico2018@gmail.com
Innovative global optimization approaches have attracted many research scientists, decision makers, managers, executives, engineers, academicians, officers, policy makers and practicing researchers in recent years as powerful intelligent computational techniques for solving many complex real-world application problems.
The International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Optimization (ICO’2022) highlights the latest research innovations and applications of algorithms designed for optimization applications within the fields of Science, Computer Science, Engineering, Information Technology, Management, Finance, Business and Economics. Focusing on a variety of methods and systems as well as practical examples, this conference is a significant resource for post graduate-level students, decision makers, and researchers in both public and private sectors who are seeking research-based methods for modeling uncertain and unpredictable real-world problems.
All accepted and reviewed papers will be published by Springer and made available through Springer-Link Digital Library, one of the world's largest scientific libraries.
Conference Topics
Topics to be discussed in this conference include (but are not limited to) the following:
Intelligent Computing: Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Deep Neural Networks, Self Organizing, Fuzzy Logic, Membrane Computing, Evolutionary Computation, Learning theory, Probabilistic methods, Image processing computer vision, Speech recognition, Big Data Analytics, Evolutionary Algorithm, Randomness Monte Carlo Methods, Algorithmic Probability, Chaos Theory, Cryptography, Game Theory, Information Theory, Pattern Recognition, Natural Computing, Evolutionary Robotics Knowledge-based System, Machine Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Computational Finance, Computational Economics, DNA Computing, Deep Learning, Wavelets.
Optimization: Ant Colony Optimization, Artificial Bee Colony, Artificial Immune Systems, Artificial Neural Networks, Automatic Computing, Bacterial Foraging, Biological Computing, Chaos Optimization, Cloud Computing, Combinatorial Optimization, Computational intelligence, Continuous Optimization, Cultural Algorithms. Differential Evolution, Direct Search, Evolutionary Computing, Fuzzy Optimization, Genetic Algorithms, Granular Computing, Hybrid Algorithms, Local and Global Search, Memetic Algorithms, Meta-heuristic Methods, Particle Swarm Optimization, Pattern Search, Simulated Annealing, Simulation and Modeling, Soft Computing Techniques, Support Vector Machines, Swarm Intelligence, Tabu Search, Variable Neighborhood Search, Quasi-Newton Methods, Monkey algorithm, Mathematical programming.
IoTs, Adaptive Response, Microwave Field, Electric Skin Activity, Flood Management, Leg Mating Unit, Animal Husbantry, Reinforcement Learning, Solar Energy, Anaerobit Treatment Radiation, Elastic Damping Mechanism, Optimal Power Supply, Smart Home, Traveling Salesman Problem, Clustering Algorithms, Neural Machine Translation, Handwritten Recognition, Web Based Instruction, Load & Pollution Forecasting, SSD-Mobile net, Financial & Debt Ratios, Truth Discovery, Learning Analytics, Face Recognition, Mobile Cloud Gaming, Disposing Waste, Smart Audit, Drone, Menstrual Cycle, Pulse Wave, Traffic Data, Supply Chain, Electricity Prices, Health Economics, Photocells, Knight’s Tour Problem, Electro-activated air, Vehicular communications, Elastic damping mechanism, Energy saving, Autonomous Vehicle, Photovoltaic, Grain drying, Loose material, Social Network, Monitoring System, Electroencephalogram, Block-chain, Molecular dynamics, Tree hierarchies, Hub Location, Path relinking, Interoperability, Trend Detection, Packing problem, Android.
Tutorials/Workshops/Special Sessions
Proposals should provide a focused lecture or scope on new and emerging topics within the scope of the conference. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. All proposals should be submitted by electronic mail to:
All ICO 2022 Posters & Demos should be submitted by electronic mail to:
Paper Submission
Website: The submission Web page for ICO 2022 is
Submission guidelines
- Papers should be in English.
- Regular papers should be up to 10 pages in length.
- Short papers should be up to 6 pages in length.
- Previously published work may not be submitted, nor may the work be concurrently submitted to any other conference or journal. Such papers will be rejected without review.
- Papers must be formatted using the SPRINGER Author's Kit.
The accepted and reviewed papers of ICO 2022 will be published in the SPRINGER series "Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems". The proceedings are submitted for inclusion to the leading indexing services: SCOPUS, DBLP, Google Scholar, Thomson Scientific ISI Proceedings (CPCI), Elsevier Engineering Index, CrossRef, Web of Science, and Springer link.
Best and high quality papers will be selected and reviewed by IPC in order to publish extended versions of the paper in SCOPUS and WoS/ISI/ESCI journals.
Important Dates
Workshops/Tutorial proposals 10 June 2022
Full paper/Poster/Demos 24 July 2022
Acceptance Notification 15 August 2022
Camera ready deadline 10 September 2022
Keynote Speakers
Professor Morikazu Nakamura, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa Japan
Professor Ivan Matveev, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of Russian Academy of Sciences (FRC CSC RAS)
Professor Elmer P. Dadios, De La Salle University, Philippines
Professor Mohammad Shamsul Arefin, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh
Venue: Zoom Webinar & G Hua Hin Resort & Mall, Hua Hin, Thailand
Address: 250 201 Soi 94, Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan 77110, Thailand
Phone: +66 32 515 199
VISA: https://www.thaiembassy.com/visa/thaivisa.php
For more information about ICO’2022, please visit https://www.icico.info/
Please send any inquiry on ICO’2022 to icico2018@gmail.com
ICO2021: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-93247-3Hua Hin, Thailand
Upcoming Event Dates: July 20, 2022, July 21, 2022, July 22, 2022
CFP is open
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I'm Attending!July 20, 2022July 22, 20225th International Conference on Nursing Science and PracticeUTCUSG-United Scientific Group, A non-profit organization, is glad to announce its, 5th International Conference on Nursing Science & Practice (Nursing Science-2022) scheduled for July 20-22, 2022, in New York, NY.
The Nursing Conference 2022 is a leading forum for nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetist, nurse midwives, clinical nurses, and nurse consultants, along with researchers, educators, administrators, policy makers and students to learn, exchange knowledge and discuss to advance their professional development and clinical performance. This annual conference is one of the largest and most valuable conference with the diverse presentations dedicated to bringing together nurses who share a passion for patient care.
We are pleased to invite you to attend at the Nursing Science-2022 scheduled for July 20-22, 2022, in New York, NY. This is important in bringing nursing to the forefront of thinking on global health and enabling nurses to do even more in improving healthcare globally. Our goal is to continue to offer you the very best in nursing practice, continuing education, career development, and networking opportunities during the conference. We hope this conference will play an important role in providing a platform in 2022 to exchange views and ideas on the theme that healthcare should be for all.NY
Upcoming Event Dates: January 25, 2020, January 26, 2020
CFP is open
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I'm Attending!January 25, 2020January 26, 20207th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CoSIT 2020)UTCScope & Topics
7th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CoSIT 2020) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology. The Conference looks for significant contributions to all major fields of the Computer Science and Information Technology in theoretical and practical aspects. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas, but are not limited to:Zurich, Switzerland
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I'm Attending!January 18, 2023January 18, 2023Agile Lisboa - Lisbon Agile CommunityUTCWe will be hosting regular events with the Lisbon Agile community, which will happen both in Lisbon and in hybrid format. Would love to have speakers participating remotely on the event or if your traveling to Lisbon, welcoming you here. Everything agility related will be well received, not restricted to a particular framework.Lisbon, Portugal / Hybrid
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I'm Attending!December 05, 2021December 05, 2021Agile Nepal MeetupUTCBringing the best professional Agile Practitioners, Enthusiasts, and Leaders from the Industry to let them share their experiences and stories. The meetups are on the platforms to share and learn. We expect participants to benefit by listening to the latest trending thoughts, tools, technologies, processes, etc. We also expect to validate self-learned knowledge. Kathmandu
Upcoming Event Dates: February 28, 2023, March 31, 2023, April 30, 2023, May 31, 2023, June 30, 2023, July 31, 2023, August 31, 2023
CFP is open
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I'm Attending!February 28, 2023August 31, 2023AI & ML Project Management Training & Certification (CPMAI)UTCGet trained and certified in the best-practice Cognitive Project Management for AI (CPMAI) methodology for AI, ML, and data analytics projects.
The Cognitive Project Management for AI (CPMAI) methodology is the proven path to success with AI, Big Data, and analytics projects. Cognilytica’s CPMAI AI & ML Project Management Training & Certification is recognized around the world as the best practices methodology for implementing successful AI & ML projects.
CPMAI is the industry’s best-practice, vendor-neutral methodology for AI, machine learning, advanced data analytics, intelligent automation and Cognitive Projects of any size. Evolving through hundreds of real-world implementations, and optimized for the delivery of in-production, high value, successful AI projects. The Cognitive Project Management for AI Methodology leverages decades of real-world methodology experience for running big data projects combined with the latest best practices expertise learned from running real-world AI projects. It’s based on Agile, CRISP-DM, and other proven approaches to managing big data & AI projects.
CPMAI is offered in a variety of formats including our exam-only certification, virtual self-paced online instruction format, and enhancements including automation and Ethical AI framework development.Online Virtual
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I'm Attending!September 19, 2020September 19, 2020Autodefensa Digital 2020 - Septiembre Resistencia, Chaco UTCLa inseguridad informática, una amenaza que te enseñamos a prevenir.
Charlas sobre infosec dirigidas al público en general.
Seguinos por:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DefensaAuto
Telegram: https://t.me/AutodefensaDigitalAr
Whatsapp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GbE2yQhofcG8dQ4A5Z5zPW
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/autodefensadigital/
Resistencia, Chaco
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I'm Attending!August 27, 2020November 19, 2020Azure IndyUTCAzure Indy is the premier Azure meetup group for the Indy area. Topics generally revolve to Microsoft Azure and include Infrastructure, Software Engineering, Data Science, DevOps, and culture.Unknown
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I'm Attending!May 24, 2019May 24, 2019Big Data LDN MeetupsUTCCalling all Data Enthusiasts! Big Data LDN Meetups are run by the creators of the Big Data LDN conference & exhibition.
Speakers at our meetups are global industry experts, focusing on how to build a successful enterprise-wide data culture. Our speakers explain how to align business objectives with data strategy, highlighting issues around data ownership, GDPR, culture, skills, regulation, governance and strategic technology architecture. Big Data LDN meetups examine the emerging Chief Data Officer role and critical issues around data privacy and security.
Expect case studies from pioneers in the field, showing how IT can work with business managers and data analysts to provide the modern infrastructure, analytics tools and data integration that they need. Big Data LDN meetups examine the top use-cases for Big Data and Analytics and provides practical advice on the pitfalls to avoid and how to ensure success.
All meetups are free to attend and all skill levels are welcome!London, UK
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I'm Attending!February 10, 2021May 05, 2021Breaking Agile - Agile Coffe BreakUTC# English Summary
Breaking Agile is a meetup from germany, holding online, offline and hybrid events.
Fokus is on Agile experts, coaches and practitioners.
# German Description
Ursprünglich wurde diese Gruppe nach der bekannten Serie “Breaking Bad” benannt,
das englische Wort break steht nicht nur für das Kaputtmachen oder Abkommen vom rechten Weg sondern gleichzeitig auch für die Pause oder das Verlassen eingetretener Pfade und Öffnung für neues.
In unserer Agilen Welt kann Veränderung und Wachstum oft nur durch verlassen der eingetretenen Pfade erreicht werden, durch das Aufbrechen angestammter Angewohnheiten wird die Möglichkeit für neues eröffnet. Genau dies möchten wir mit dieser Gruppe auch voranbringen.
Ziel der Gruppe ist es durch interessante Vorträge, Diskussionsrunden und Workshop Formate neue Denkanstöße geben.
Besonderen Wert wird hierbei, auf den Blick über den Tellerrand gelegt deshalb sind Vorträge aus anderen Themengebieten oder ganz anderen, deshalb sind Vorträge aus anderen Themengebieten oder ganz anderen Tätigkeitsbereichen und deren Zusammenspiel mit agilen Methoden und Teams besonders willkommen.
Als Community Meetup Gruppe leben wir vom mitmachen,
Vorschläge für Talks oder Workshops erwünscht und gerne gesehen.
Online-Event / North Germany
Upcoming Event Dates: September 15, 2020, October 13, 2020, November 10, 2020, December 08, 2020, January 12, 2021, February 09, 2021, March 09, 2021, April 12, 2021, May 11, 2021, June 08, 2021, July 13, 2021, August 10, 2021
CFP is open
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I'm Attending!September 15, 2020August 10, 2021Canary Wharf .NET User GroupUTCWelcome to the Canary Wharf .NET User Group! This meetup is for .NET developers who work in and around the heart of London's main financial district, Canary Wharf.
We're interested in speakers covering the entire spectrum of the .NET ecosystem, and in particular, fintech-associated subjects, such as blockchain, IoT, cybersecurity, performance, and machine learning/AI.Canary Wharf, London, UK
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I'm Attending!February 11, 2025May 13, 2025Chicago JavaScript MeetupUTC# Chicago JavaScript Meetup
**Meet other local JavaScripters to network, share knowledge, review the state of the art, or dream up new applications.**
Past talks and other member information are posted on our blog:
If you're a Chicago-based developer looking to speak to an energetic group, this event will be an excellent opportunity. Everyone is welcome to attend the meetup, whether you've dabbled in JavaScript, are a seasoned software engineer, or are a boot camp student—we hope to see you there!
To learn more about Bitovi, visit our website:
<https://www.bitovi.com/>Chicago, IL